
What happened to golden compass 2
What happened to golden compass 2

When Lord Asriel pours himself a glass of the poisoned wine, Lyra conquers her fear of her uncle’s punishments and leaps from the closet to save his life. He sends the Butler for some things he left at the College’s gate. Lord Asriel arrives unexpectedly while the Butler prepares the room for the Scholars. While hiding, Lyra and Pantalaimon wonder if her uncle’s visit has to do with the rumored political tensions in the North and if a war is coming. Against Pantalaimon’s advice, she decides to remain in hiding after the Master leaves to warn her uncle not to drink the wine. They witness the Master pour poison into a decanter of wine that has been set aside for Lyra’s mysterious and powerful uncle, Lord Asriel, who is soon to arrive for a visit. One day they are sneaking about a forbidden area where the Scholars gather to talk every evening after dinner.

what happened to golden compass 2

Her dæmon, Pantalaimon, provides her with a cautious voice of reason, as well as friendship. Lyra is an adventurous young girl who lives in Jordan College at Oxford University. As the story opens, political tensions are brewing with the Tartars, a group that resides far to the East, for mysterious reasons that have to do with new scientific discoveries in the Arctic. But when a child goes through puberty and becomes an adult, his or her dæmon settles into a permanent animal form. While humans are children these take changing animal forms.

what happened to golden compass 2

In this world, each human is accompanied by companion spirits called dæmons. It is a parallel universe, similar to our own but with key differences.

what happened to golden compass 2

The Golden Compass takes place in England, but it is not the England we know.

What happened to golden compass 2